
Philips Nguyen

Backend Software Engineer

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About Me

Hi! My name is Philips. I am a backend software engineer based in Orlando, FL.

I have 5+ years of experience in designing and implementing solutions in both the financial industry as well as the retail industry using scrum agile

I have a passion for innovation, mentorship, and collaboration!

» Volunteer Technology Regional Lead for VEYM (non- profit Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement)
» Volunteer VEYM Chapter Vice President of Academic Affairs



  • Java
  • C#
  • Python
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • YML

Frameworks and Platforms

  • Spring
  • .Net Core
  • ELK
  • REST
  • gRPC
  • OpenAPI
  • Xamarin
  • Powershell
  • React JS
  • Next JS
  • Angular JS
  • Bootstrap
  • Unity
  • Godot
  • Android


  • Git
  • Gitlab CI
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Jenkins
  • Azure AD
  • Azure Containers
  • Azure Apps
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Google Container Repository
  • Google Logs Explorer
  • SQL Server
  • MongoDB
  • Websphere
  • Docker
  • Postman
  • Unix
  • Windows


VEYM Membership Platform

HR directory system for VEYM. Lead developer responsible for system design, backend and front end implementation, CICD, integration with Azure B2C, and general application support. Ensured a secure REST API with authorization through Active Directory groups, timely delivery through automated deployment with Azure pipelines, and ease of maintainability through robust logging. This platform serves 2000+ members and is hosted on Azure App Services. Built upon SQL, .NET Core, and Next JS.

Go to Login Page
API Documentation


A NFT Monster collection game on the Ethereum blockchain. Featuring a public facing gRPC and REST API hosted on Google Cloud Platform. Scalable through Docker and Kubernetes. Built upon MongoDB, Java Springboot, and Unity (C#).

View Project Website
gRPC API Documentation
REST API Documentation


Open Source Stripe API Data Export Tool that loads transaction information into MS SQL so that dynamic reports can be created using Power BI. Built upon Springboot, SQL, and the Stripe API.

View Project in Github

VEYM Main Website

News and informational website. Contributed as a front end developer building the interactive organization map, maintaining static resources, and page design. The website is accessed thousands of times a month by youth leaders, students, parents, and religious leaders. Built upon React (Next JS) and Directus.

Go to Organization Map on Website

Philips Nguyen | Master Class

Search Engine Optimized website built to market to new clients the card game coaching that I have built and offer. Front end built and deployed with Next JS and Vercel. Backend CMS exposing an API using Directus and Railway.

View Website

Faklandia Brewing and Gaming Website

Informational website that highlights events, food, and brews for a local gaming brewery. Built upon Bootstrap and hosted in Azure storage with CDN routing.

Go to Website

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